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Unlimited Business Listing

When it comes to the BEST, Sandusky Spotlight’s Unlimited Business listing is BETTER THAN THE BEST! Unlike the competition, who gives you a small highlight box that rotates in only on the front page; Sandusky Spotlight gives you a large, full color advertisement with dynamic description that can be changed as frequently as you desire.

This advertisement is in the centerpiece showcase on Sandusky Spotlight’s home page, rotating in and out as the primary focal piece of the entire page. The listing doesn’t stop with just a graphic; you get all of the features of the advanced listing as well… in fact, you get all the features of the Advanced Business listing too, as part of the package!

Not only is it prominently displayed on the home page, It rotates in at the top of every category page your business is associated with; and with an unlimited listing, there is no limit to the number of categories your business is associated with, as long as they pertain to your business. You can also change the message on your spotlight advertisement at no additional charge! Have a big sale coming up? Opening a new location? List it on your showcase!

Now, are you ready for more great news?

It will only cost you $300 per year!

Compare that to the competition’s $2148 per year and you can see why we say:

Sandusky Spotlight’s Unlimited Business Listing is “BETTER THAN THE REST!”
