Unlimited Listing: $300 / year
-Large full color image with customizable description and link to web page rotating on the front & category pages.
- Listing in unlimited categories.
- Highlighted box listing at top of all category pages.
- Have us create custom logo & showcase design or utilize your own graphics.
- Sponsor listing on all “Community Spotlight” articles.
- Featured business article.
- Unlimited description.
- Hours.
- Webpage link.
- 4 Images.
Advanced Listing: $200/year
- Listing in 5 categories.
- Highlighted box listing at top of all category pages.
- 600 character description.
- Hours.
- Webpage link.
- 4 Images.
Special Introductory Offer!
Sign up for an unlimited listing this summer and receive a subdomain website for only $200 or additional showcase advertisements for $100 each!
Additional Showcase Advertisements: $200/year $100 each/year with Unlimited Listing!
- Large full color image
- Customizable description that can easily be changed to suit your needs.
- Link to web page
- Rotates on the Home & category pages.
- Have us create custom logo & showcase design or utilize your own graphics.
Subdomain Web Page: $400/year $200/year with Unlimited Listing!
- Multipage informational website.
- Customized graphics.
- Customized color scheme.
- Have us create custom logo or utilize your own existing graphics.
- Home Page
- Location page
- Hours page.
- Menu / Services offered page
- Dynamically changeable.
- Updatable as needed (no additional charge).
- Photo Gallery / Images page.
- Coupons/Promotions page.
- Multiple Email accounts.